Friday, April 3, 2020

Why move to the cloud ERP?

How to manage your business effectively while maintaining social distancing. Move your data to cloud and work from anywhere.

Mr. Einstein once said, ‘The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

In the given scenario of a nationwide lockdown owing to an unprecedented health crisis which is soon going to become an unprecedented economic crisis, we’re all going to need to figure out wisely, how to do business in difficult and unfamiliar circumstances. The future is uncertain and the world is undergoing a drastic change. We are mere victims of the situation as assumptions and speculations loom in our minds. The primary concern of everyone is, how to manage the business remotely and ensure less backlogs as and when the crisis settles.

At this juncture, the leaders with foresight with a futuristic mindset have almost partially won the battle. Entrepreneurs who deploy cloud ERP Software can quite easily control the data stored in the cloud and continue managing their business while maintaining social distance.

Imagine it’s 2030, and working from home is the new normal. The 2020 pandemic was merely a curtain raiser for humankind to take the environment seriously. It was just a trailer before the preconceived apocalypse, almost like a threat before it’s too late to repair. It was nature’s own way to slow pace mankind and press the rewind button to go back to basics. The only thing futuristic is cutting edge technology. The Internet being the only respite, working remotely is made possible so that less people go to offices to work reducing pollution. Storing all business data integrated into an enterprise resource planning on cloud platform gives access to business processes anytime, anywhere. This saves time and money and improves overall efficiency and productivity.

How to manage work from home diligently?

As the lockdown proceeds, you may increasingly feel disconnected and irrelevant. Thus, your most urgent requirement is to stay busy and connected with work. Establish and follow a proactive routine to manage time optimally and get the results you seek. Work digitally and don’t miss the daily team call routine. Volunteer for additional tasks and deliver within deadlines. Next, you can also upgrade yourself with online training programs. This will allow you to learn new things and keep your brain sharp. You can also update books, reconcile receivables and payables with your ERP software. Inventories can be verified and updated so that there is no backlog.

Why move to the cloud ERP?

1. Companies don’t have to manage physical servers themselves or run software applications on their own machines.

2. Enables access of files from any device.

3. Reduces IT costs and overheads.

4. Easier for companies to operate remotely as files can be accessed from any location.

5. Complete visibility and control of each department

6. Freedom from micro-management

7. Real-time information enables wise and timely decision making

8. Enhance profitability

9. At an edge with competitors

10. Makes you business ready to deal with the larger fish in the market

11. Faster success rate

12. Minimal stress and hassle-free


Expand smERP – India’s Best fit cloud ERP software for manufacturers in Retail and Export business.

Why Expand smERP?

  • Perfectly fits your specific business needs driving efficiency with ease
  • 15 years of extensive research and market testing gives us experience in Indian business culture.
  • Easy and hassle free rollout is possible as there is minimum need of customisation and less training because of user-friendly interface.
  • Extensive integrations enables you to connect with new technologies which makes you more competitive and future-ready.

If our country limits the growth of the disease within 2-3 months and averts fundamental damage to the economy, a full recovery is possible in the short term.

However if the disease spreads faster than assumed, while the economic measures taken are not optimal, but still manages to protect some parts and ensures a functional banking system, then the overall recovery will be much slower. If your company can survive this period it will emerge stronger. If you make yourself and your company invaluable, you will thrive and succeed. 

Choose your way to leadership in the market by adopting Expand ERP software – India’s best fit ERP. It’s your ultimate path to survival and success.

To know more call  +91 9007026542

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